What I’m Reading Now (2/1/21)

what I'm reading now


Okay, y’all…I’ve got some big housekeeping items to cover today before we get to the books. 

I’ve been struggling for awhile with how to coherently integrate my blog with my podcast. I recently took a hard look at my priorities and how to align my time and energy with my top priorities. At this point, my top priorities are growing the podcast and my Patreon Community. So, I will be cutting back my blog posts, which includes retiring these weekly “What I’m Reading Now” posts with today’s post being my last.

If you love seeing quick snippets of what I’m reading in real time, you can still get that information every week by joining my Patreon Community for $5 / month (as a patron, you also get 2 bonus podcast episodes per month and other goodies). On Fridays, I’ll share what I’m reading in real time with my patrons in the Patrons-Only Facebook Group and in newsletter form.

Stay tuned for more changes coming for the blog, the podcast, and the Patreon Community in a separate blog post.


There was no new podcast last week.

On Wednesday, Ashley Audrain (author of The Push) is joining me! 

On the Blog

Hosted by The Book Date.
This post contains affiliate links (plus: here’s your Amazon Smile-specific affiliate link), through which I make a small commission when you make a purchase (at no cost to you!).

I finished reading…



Landslide by Susan Conley (February 2, 2021)
I loved this gem of a story of motherhood, marriage, and the Maine fishing industry…and I want it to get the attention it deserves! I’ll be talking more about this on a bonus podcast episode for patrons (click here to become a patron).
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

I’m currently reading…

Too Good to Be True


Too Good to Be True by Carola Lovering (March 2, 2021)
I needed something fast and easy following a couple character-driven novels in a row and I’m flying through (about 65% so far) Lovering’s sophomore novel! It’s domestic suspense, but I’m not rolling my eyes yet. I also loved her debut novel, Tell Me Lies!
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

Upcoming reading plans…

Good Girl's Guide to Murder


A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (February 4, 2020)
This YA novel recommended by Meredith from Currently Reading Podcast (my go-to mystery / thriller recommendation source) came in from the library this week. After a streak of successful YA novels last year, I’m trying to be more selectively open to them this year!
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

How was your reading week?

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what I'm reading now


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  1. Tina wrote:

    I’ll miss these posts but I get it!! And good to hear about Loverings novel. Lol at I’m not rolling my eyes yet.

    Posted 2.1.21 Reply
  2. Wendy wrote:

    I will miss your posts. I’m not a podcaster. I’m a reader. But I get it.

    Posted 2.1.21 Reply
  3. Beth F wrote:

    I thought GIRLS GUIDE TO MURDER was fun.

    Posted 2.1.21 Reply
  4. Amy Sariego wrote:

    I’m reading Good Girls Guide to Murder this week, too! I’m only about 50 pages in so far but it hooked me in fast and has a kind of ‘Serial’ vibe with the murder case being worked on.

    Posted 2.1.21 Reply
  5. Kathy Martin wrote:

    I’ll miss your blog posts. I don’t do podcasts or other social media. I liked A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and hope you do too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Posted 2.1.21 Reply
  6. Katie wrote:

    I got A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder from the library a couple weeks ago and I’m really liking it. I have to be careful what time of day I read it, because true crime type things really creep me out. I love Meredith and her recommendations for thriller/mystery too!

    Posted 2.2.21 Reply
  7. Steven wrote:

    I just read that you DNF “The Great Alone” by K. Hannah.
    I read “The Nightingale” and enjoyed it, did love it but it was well developed, atmospheric with vivid characters. I’m finding The Great Alone even better.
    What did you not like about the book that made it a DNF?


    Posted 2.2.21 Reply
  8. Jeni wrote:

    I wasn’t going to comment, but have been thinking about it for some days now and I am totally bummed to see these posts go. I just don’t have time for another podcast right now, though I hope in future to work it in some. It seems a misstep to cut these as many people (myself included) found you through them. Why would you cut something that funnels people to your podcast? It seems premature at the least?

    In other words, I found value here and am sad to see it go. I can find other sources – but until I’m commuting again, lol, I just can’t fit in another podcast! I just don’t have enough time with working and momming. The blog provides exactly what I need in a time sensitive bite size form.

    I do wish you luck though. I have found some great reads here – and I do understand having to quit something that no longer brings you joy. I can respect that.

    Posted 2.9.21 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Thanks for your comment. It’s not that these posts no longer bring me joy. It’s that I’m spread way too thin. I’m trying to be a podcaster AND a blogger AND a mom during COVID (kids not in school) without a staff and I need to align my content in a more streamlined way. I need to focus my time and energy on a smaller number of priorities so that I don’t find myself A) in the position of doing a very average job at all of them and/or B) super stressed out all the time and/or C) without time to actually read, which I have to do to create content.

      A version of these Monday posts is actually still available in written form for my Patrons (it’s an email newsletter, which takes much less time to create than a blog post with graphics, formatting, social posts, etc). You’re welcome to join the Patreon community if you’d like to get these newsletters plus a lot of other stuff (https://www.patreon.com/sarahsbookshelves).

      I will still be using the blog for my monthly Book of the Month commentary, updating my Book Recommendation Lists, publishing my Summer Reading Guide, and Best Books of the Year lists. You can also follow me on Instagram.

      Thanks for your support for the blog!

      Posted 2.9.21 Reply
  9. Steven wrote:

    I strongly suggest you give “The Great Alone” by Kristin Hannah another chance. You said this was a DNF for you. it’s a tremendous story, well described setting, characters you “get to know like neighbors in the wilderness,” and it moves right along, but you never feel rushed.

    Posted 2.9.21 Reply

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