1. Biogossip
“Biogossip” is my term for a biography/nonfiction (the “bio”) book that is juicy and scandalous (the “gossip”). You’ll see lots of Dominick Dunne (a former entertainment industry insider who began writing about his “friends” following a divorce and battle with alcohol) and books about the Kennedys (who is a better source for “biogossip” material than the Kennedys??). The great thing about “biogossip” is you’re essentially reading entertaining tabloid material while also learning something – so you can feel a little less shallow while dipping your toes in the gossip pool!

2. Book Club Recommendations
This list contains old and new books of various genres that I think have wide appeal and provide compelling discussion topics for your book club.

3. Coed Book Club Recommendations
Books that would make enjoyable reading for both sexes and would spark lively, interesting, sometimes heated discussion.

4. Short Book Club Recommendations
The books on this list are especially short…around 300 pages or less. Yet, they’re incredibly meaty and will spark lively book club discussions despite their brevity.

5. Books for Guys
Based on the guys in my life, I know they generally like books about sports and war. So, I have started my Books for Guys list with those categories.  However, I realize I probably shouldn’t base my list solely on my husband and brothers, so I’ve also included business, fiction, and other non-fiction selections.

6. Best of the Brain Candy: Books That Are Light AND Smart
I want my light fiction to be more than straight-up fluff…I appreciate smart writing, biting social commentary, wit, and an engrossing plot. The books on this list have all those qualities.

7. Business Books
Books on this list are behind the scenes stories – dramatic, scandalous, and back-stabbing – and teach you a bit about business along the way. Most importantly, I got a much better understanding of what caused the 2008 financial crisis (which I wasn’t getting by following the news) by reading a couple books on this list. And don’t worry – not all “business” books (and certainly none on this list!) are dry and boring.

8. Cooking / Food Books
In addition to reading, cooking (and eating great food!) is one of my favorite things to do. So, I obviously had to compile a cooking / food book list! Books on this list are not cookbooks – these are actual books about food, cooking, restaurants, chefs, and cooking school – although a few do contain some recipes.

9. Great Books Under 300 Pages
Sometimes you just need something short and sweet.

10. Page Turners
My brother’s highest praise for a book is that it “impacted his sleep”, meaning it was so good he couldn’t put it down to go to bed.  Page Turners is my list that fits this criteria.

11. Sarah’s All-Time Favorite Books
A list of my all-time favorite books – spanning back years.  It takes a lot for a book to make this list, so you won’t see too many books on here. 

12. Sports Books
For all the guys out there, I want to make sure you know that my husband has reviewed this list and ensured that guys would like most (if not all) of these books. The only things he can’t vouch for are the Olympics and tennis. The list is in alphabetical order by sport.

13. Time to Kill
Books that I would call “undertakings”, in the best sense of the word. Thoroughly entertaining, but best saved for when you have lots of time to read.

Annual Features

Holiday Gift Guides: 20162015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Best Books of the Year: 20162015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Best Debuts of the Year: 20162015, 2014

Best of My Backlist Reading: 20172015

Summer Reading Lists: 201720162015, 2014, 2013

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