The 2024 Rock Your Reading Tracking Spreadsheet

reading tracking spreadsheet


Since I started using the Reading Tracking Spreadsheet, my reading QUALITY has improved 43%!

I built the Rock Your Reading Tracking Spreadsheet to help:

  • Enable you to monitor your reading stats in real time…because it automatically compiles your stats throughout the year.
  • Track how successful different types of books are for you (in real time), helping you better understand your reading taste...and pick books that better match your taste.
  • Track your best and worst recommendation sources.

The Rock Your Reading Tracking Spreadsheet is ideal for bookworms that read a high volume of books each year.

The tracker is ONLY AVAILABLE to Sarah’s Bookshelves Live “Superstars” Patrons ($7 / month)! In addition to the Tracker, you’ll get monthly episodes of the Double Booked podcast series, our annual Best of the Backlist Reading Guide, and 2 other bonus podcast episodes per month (plus more). Sign up to be a patron here.

How the Rock Your Reading Tracking Spreadsheet will help you

  • Track key elements bookworms like to keep tabs on (including your reading goals, books and pages read and listened to, diversity, ratings, genre, format, mood, pace, and my personal favorite, reading success rate). They’re built right into the spreadsheet…with Summary Charts that automatically populate as you enter the books you’ve read!

2022 Reading Tracking Spreadsheet


  • Automatically (for Excel Version 2021 and later) calculates your Best and Worst Book Recommendation Sources and publishers..and use them to pick better books throughout the year.
    • Plus, track people who DISLIKE the same books as you do.
    • And, track the recommendation sources for books you do not finish (DNF’s)…because knowing who gives you bad recommendations is just as important as knowing who gives you great ones!
    • I have a version with a manual Recommendation Sources chart for those who would like to use the Tracker in Google Sheets or an Excel Version earlier than 2021).

2023 Rock Your Reading Tracking Spreadsheet


  • Keep your To Be Read (TBR) list and reading tracker in one place.
  • Compare your current stats to last year’s stats.
  • Customize the spreadsheet for your needs. Delete items you don’t care about tracking. Add columns for anything you’d like to track that I haven’t included. 

Key Improvements to this year’s tracking spreadsheet

  • Graphic charts (i.e. bar and pie charts) and numerical charts have been organized into separate tabs for better navigation. Find all your graphic charts in the “At a Glance” tab and numerical charts in the “Dashboard” tab.
  • Inputting raw data in the Diversity section is now easier.
  • NEW ‘Re-Rating Column’ (aka the “Susie Column”) for those who revisit and reassess their book ratings after reading.
  • NEW dedicated tracking feature to keep up with your favorite Celebrity Book Clubs and Literary Awards, complete with success percentage stats.
  • NEW “Successful Books by Release Month” Chart.
  • Stats automatically tracked
    • Books needed to reach your reading goal (and average books per week to achieve reading goal)
    • % successful books attempted and read (i.e. the reading quality stat)
    • Books and pages read, and audiobook minutes listened to
    • More Basic Stats: Backlist, Re-Reads, Series, Backlist, Debuts / New-to-Me / Repeat Authors.
    • Most / Least Successful Publishers
    • Most / Least Successful Book Recommendation Sources (for those using Excel 2021 or later)
    • Celebrity Book Clubs and Literary Awards
    • Star ratings
    • Charts: Genre (Fiction / Nonfiction and Detailed Genre), Audience, Format, Books per Month, Book Source, Book Length, Audiobook Length, Mood, Pace, Dislikable Characters, Books by Season, Celebrity Book Clubs, Literary Awards
    • Diversity: Author Gender, BIPOC Authors & Characters, LGBTQ Authors & Characters, Disabled Authors & Characters, Neurodivergent Authors & Characters, Author Race Breakout, Diverse Books %, Geographic Diversity
    • DNFs: number, % of overall reading, genre, backlist, book source, DNF’s by month


Chrissie (my Assistant) or I am available at to answer any questions before and/or after your purchase and provide support using the tracker. 

Supported Programs:

  • The Tracker is an Excel spreadsheet.
  • The Tracker WILL NOT work on an iPad or tablet.
  • The Tracker IS COMPATIBLE with Google Sheets (however, the automated Recommendation Sources Chart will not work, use the Manual Version of the Tracker for Google Sheets). Just upload it to your Google Drive and choose “Open with Google Sheets” when you open the document from your Drive.
  • The Tracker IS COMPATIBLE with Numbers. To open the Tracker in Numbers, right click on the tracker file > Choose “Open with…” > Choose Numbers. You’ll get a warning about anything in the Excel file that’s not compatible with Numbers (ex: unconditional formatting not supported, but I’ve tested the affected formulas and they still work.)

Become a Superstars Patron to Get the Tracker Here…

Get the Reading Tracker!


Kristen B.:

I had a personalization request and I was amazed at the speed with which you answered that request and with how soon I had the new tracker in my inbox. That isn’t always the case and definitely was not what I expected, so I wanted to give major kudos!

I have tried reading journals (both pre-made and bullet journal) in the past, and I always seem to lose interest or get behind and have tons of books to log. With the tracker, that hasn’t happened because I’m DYING to see how my latest book will effect the charts and graphs. The tracker has been especially helpful as I try to branch out with different genres, and in helping diversify my books. A quick glance at the data tells me how I’m doing on this, and how to adjust.


I like being able to see how my reading this year versus last year compare in terms of male vs female, debuts reds, and especially with the number of BIPOC authors I’ve read. I’ve been making a concerted effort to read more books by BIPOC authors and this helps me keep track.

Heidi G.:

I love that everything is all together and so easy to use! Having all of my reading information so visual has improved my reading more than I can explain. […] I have been tracking things that I didn’t know I even cared about – like publishers – but I’m really getting interested in that part of my reading life.

Heather B.:

I wanted to have a more genre-diverse reading life instead of just reading all historical fiction and literary fiction. I loved seeing my pie graph get colorful! I also realized I wasn’t checking for e-book deals before buying the hardcover. So it has saved me money and broadened my reading horizons!

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