Podcast Episode 170: Summer 2024 Book Preview with Catherine (@GilmoreGuide)

Summer 2024 Book Preview

Welcome to the Summer 2024 Book Preview with Catherine of Gilmore Guide to Books!  

Today, Catherine and I share 12 of our most anticipated books releasing in June and July.  

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  • One of the many benefits to joining our Patreon Community is that you get access to several bonus podcast episode series, including Book Preview Extras! In these episodes, Catherine and I share at least 4 bonus books we are excited about that we did not share in the big show preview episode. Get more details about all the goodies available to all patrons (Stars and Superstars) and sign up here!


  • Now that the 2024 Summer Reading Guide is set, Sarah welcomes heavier and more literary books.
  • Catherine brings books covering 4 decades.
  • With a clean split of 3 new or debut authors and 3 repeat authors, Catherine is trying for more wins this season.
  • Sarah and Catherine both bring some longer books (450+ pages).
  • Sarah’s choices feature a wide variety of topics with 2 debuts and 4 returning authors.
  • Sarah has already read and rated two of her picks 5 stars!
  • Plus, their #1 picks for the summer season.

Summer 2024 Book Preview [2:49]


Sarah’s Picks

Catherine’s Picks

Other Books Mentioned


Sarah’s Picks

Catherine’s Picks

Other Books Mentioned

About Catherine Gilmore

Catherine GilmoreBlog | Facebook | InstagramX

Catherine started The Gilmore Guide to Books over 10 years ago after wrapping up a career as a corporate librarian. She loves books and reading (surprise!) and currently lives in Seattle, WA.







Next Episode

In two weeks (June 12), I’ll be chatting with author Rufi Thorpe to discuss his new novel, Margo’s Got Money Troubles (publishing June 11).

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Summer 2024 Book Preview


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