It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? (5/9/16)

Hosted by The Book Date.

Another chaotic week at my house! My daughter got sick for the 5th time in a month (this time with a double ear infection). And it was another week of cold, rainy weather. Where is spring?! I had trouble focusing on reading, so went for a simple choice that didn’t take much concentration. But, then I got some great reading time on Mother’s Day to make up for it all!

Despite the terrible weather, I managed to get in all my triathlon training (including adding a 3 year old in a jogging stroller to one of my runs). After a couple weeks of discouraging biking when I wasn’t approaching my pace from last summer, I took my bike into the shop (blame the gear!). Turns out my tires were virtually flat, which causes you to feel like you’re pedaling through quicksand. After properly inflating my tires and making some small adjustments to my seat and handlebars, I had a great ride on Thursday, breaking last summer’s training pace. 

I finished reading…

Our Souls at Night, Kent Haruf

Our Souls at Night
 by Kent Haruf (May 26, 2015)
This was a spur of the moment selection at a time when I was stressed about life and was having trouble concentrating on other books. It was just the uncomplicated, calming type of book I needed.
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

I’m currently reading…

Smoke, The Girls


Smoke by Dan Vyleta (May 24, 2016)
I’m a quarter way through and the jury’s still out…I’ve had trouble settling into the style, but the story itself has me intrigued enough to want to keep reading. I’ve put it down in favor of The Girls for my Mother’s Day reading, but will likely pick it up again.

The Girls by Emma Cline (June 14, 2016)
I read the first quarter of this much anticipated debut novel inspired by the Manson killings on Mother’s Day morning…I’m really enjoying the writing and the teen angst and am curious to see where it goes.

Upcoming reading plans…

Another week where I have no idea! I might pick up either The Mother by Yvette Edwards or The Miracle on Monhegan Island by Elizabeth Kelly when they come out on Tuesday. 

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  1. I enjoyed The Girls and the atmosphere of the Manson and Moonies era. I’m so happy Our Souls at Night worked for you. Uncomplicated is the perfect way to describe it.

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I’m enjoying it too! And I kind of want to Google Manson and the Moonies b/c all I really know about the story is the Tate murder in particular..I don’t know much about the whole lead-up to it. Maybe I’ll Google it after I finish so I don’t ruin the rest of the book!

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  2. I didn’t realize The Girls was about the Manson killings. Sounds spooky!

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Well, kind of. So far, it’s more about Manson and his cult and how someone could get wrapped up in that. I’m assuming the killings will come later, as she has alluded to them a few times.

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  3. I read Our Souls at Night on a flight home from Denver – perfect length. I loved it. Looking forward to The Girls, too. I’m glad the adjustment helped your biking!

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Perfect plane read!

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  4. Carmen wrote:

    Yay on your training. Hope the bouts of sickness pass soon.
    Sometimes an uncomplicated book is what’s needed. I’m glad Our Souls at Night worked out for you.

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I agree – especially when life gets chaotic, which it has been for me lately.

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  5. Tara wrote:

    Oooh, are you going to post more about Our Souls at Night, Sarah? I’m intrigued! Also, I’m delighted to hear that you were able to get in some good reading yesterday and that you’re enjoying The Girls; I’ve just begun reading Sweetbitter and it is SO GOOD. YAY for some great training, in spite of the weather, and I’m so glad you got that bicycle situation straightened out; what a relief! Way to go! Pushing that jogging stroller is no joke…you get extra training points for that, my friend.

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I am, but not for a little while. I’m saving it for a backlist multiple book post…which means I have to read some more backlist 🙂 I’ve been hearing awesome things about Sweetbitter and can’t wait to read it. Am annoyed I couldn’t get an ARC! Ad – no – the jogging stroller is no joke. It’s my least favorite thing…luckily I only had a 30 min low intensity run on the calendar for that day. Except my slow 30 min run felt like high intensity w/ that monstrous thing I was pushing! And my daughter is another 35 pounds!

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  6. Naomi wrote:

    I’m glad to hear you got in some Mother’s Day reading!
    Our Souls At Night is in my huge library stack, so hopefully I’ll get to it sometime soon!

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      It’s great for when life is chaotic…hope you get to it soon!

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  7. The Girls and Smoke are on my TBR list. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on them. Good luck with your training!

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:


      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  8. Gina wrote:

    Our Souls at Night was good for my soul. Love his writing style. I have The Girls from Net Galley though haven’t started.

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Yes – I agree! Hope you enjoy The Girls!

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  9. Gabby wrote:

    Oh man I am so psyched for The Girls

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  10. All of the books you’ve featured are new to me titles, but each one equally intriguing, especially The Girls.

    It sounds like you’re doing a lot for your training at the moment – keep up the great work!!

    Posted 5.9.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      It’s pretty great so far!

      Posted 5.9.16 Reply
  11. I’ve been hearing great things about The Girls, and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the rest of it!

    Posted 5.10.16 Reply
  12. Smoke looks good.

    I saw it on a few blogs last week.

    I hope your week is going well.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

    Posted 5.10.16 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I’m hoping to pick it back up after I finish The Girls!

      Posted 5.11.16 Reply
  13. Lisa Brent wrote:

    I’m pretty curious to check out The Girls. I’ve been seeing that one pop up in a lot of lists recently.
    I’m currently reading Gag Rule by Edward A. Dreyfus and I’m absolutely hooked.
    Really well written with some very interesting themes that deal with sensitive issues of child abuse and the affect it has on the wives of accused men.
    Great read so far. I would recommend it.

    Posted 5.16.16 Reply

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