My reading was all over the place in April (because I was reading way ahead for my 2018 Summer Reading Guide), so you’re getting a double dose of books this month!
In addition to my April and May 2018 Books to Read, stay tuned for my full review of another April book, Circe by Madeline Miller (coming a week from today).
Hosted by Modern Mrs. Darcy.
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April and May 2018 Books to Read
Alternative Remedies for Loss
by Joanna Cantor
Fiction – Brain Candy (Released May 8, 2018)
320 Pages
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon
Source: Publisher (Bloomsbury USA)
Plot Summary: When Olivia’s Dad brings his new girlfriend on a family trip to India only months after her Mom’s death from cancer, Olivia has to figure out how to navigate her grief and get her life back on track.
My Thoughts: I bet you wouldn’t expect a novel about grief to be a light, easy read, but Joanna Cantor’s debut novel is both! I flew through it in just a few days at the beach…and it was an excellent beach read despite the focus on grief. During the Prologue, I was wavering about whether or not to continue reading, then something completely unexpected and interesting happened that caused me to keep going…and I’m so glad I did. This element isn’t a huge focus of the plot, but it was the pivotal moment that got me engrossed in the book. Beyond Olivia’s grief, Alternative Remedies for Loss is a story about a family trying to figure out their new normal after the loss of their mother and a daughter trying to get to know who her mother was as a person, beyond her role as mother and wife.
When you knew what you wanted, everything became simpler, more streamlined.
How to Walk Away by Katherine Center
Fiction – Brain Candy (Released May 15, 2018)
320 Pages
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon
Source: Publisher (St. Martin’s Press)
Plot Summary: After Margaret is in a tragic accident the night she gets engaged, she must figure out how to move forward and who she is post-accident.
My Thoughts: I’ve been on a streak lately with books about very serious topics that are handled in a light-hearted way…and that read like brain candy. Add How to Walk Away to that list (Alternative Remedies for Loss, Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties). How to Walk Away reminded me of a less ugly-cry spin on Me Before You. There’s a number of likable characters that I was rooting hard for, some romance, some humor, family drama, and a hopeful, inspirational tone. Admittedly, this is not the kind of book I normally enjoy (I usually like them extra dark and twisted), but all the unicorns and rainbows worked for me here. The ending is utterly ridiculous, but I would have been furious had it ended any other way (a sign of a true rom-com?). However, I could’ve done without the Epilogue. I have no idea why all these things I normally hate in books worked for me here, but they did and I no longer have to sheepishly admit I have nothing when people ask me for a “feel-good” book recommendation.
Needing to find reasons to live had forced me to build a life worth living. I would never say the accident was a good thing. I would never, ever claim that everything happens for a reason. Like all tragedies, it was senseless.
But I knew one thing for sure: The greater our capacity for sorrow becomes, the greater our capacity for joy.
So I went on, “That’s the thing you don’t know – that you can’t know until life has genuinely beaten the crap out of you: I am better for it all. I am better for being broken.”
The Girl Who Smiled Beads
by Clemantine Wamariya
Nonfiction – Memoir (Released April 24, 2018)
288 Pages
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon
Source: Book of the Month (Publisher: Crown)
Plot Summary: Clemantine was six years old when she and her older sister (Claire) were separated from their family during the Rwandan genocide and spent the next six years as refugees before being granted asylum in the U.S., and in Clemantine’s case, going on to get a degree from Yale.
My Thoughts: The Girl Who Smiled Beads was one of my April Book of the Month selections and it came with rave reviews. The story is told in alternating timelines (Clemantine and Claire’s time as refugees and their later childhood / early adulthood in the U.S.) and the refugee portion is as heart-wrenching as you’d expect. What they went through is appalling. However, the U.S. portion was incredibly intriguing to me as Clemantine struggled with her conflicted feelings about her identity and the help she received in the U.S. (she was taken in by a white, suburban family and supported through high school before heading on to Yale). She understandably has different views about many everyday things (e.g., camping, marriage, etc) that were shaped by her experience. The writing is simple and hard-hitting, which is my kind of writing and fit this story well, but the alternating timelines pulled me out of the story a bit. I’d admittedly not learned much about the various refugee crises around the world and this book started to change that.
It’s strange, how you go from being a person who is away from home to a person with no home at all. The place that is supposed to want you has pushed you out. No other place takes you in. You are unwanted, by everyone. You are a refugee.
You Think It, I’ll Say It: Stories
by Curtis Sittenfeld
Fiction – Short Stories (Released April 24, 2018)
256 Pages
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon
Source: Publisher (Random House)
Plot Summary: Novelist Curtis Sittenfeld’s (author of Prep, American Wife, and Eligible) first short story collection.
My Thoughts: Short stories are not my thing. I’ve only really loved two short story collections in my entire life (Beneath the Bonfire and Why They Run the Way They Do). I can now make that three because I adored this collection…it’s unquestionably 5 stars for me! The three collections I’ve loved all have one thing in common: the stories have something idiosyncratic in them, but are otherwise about mundane life. The stories in You Think It, I’ll Say It are mostly about otherwise normal relationships that have a hidden element of unconventionality or an awkward incident. They’re normal situations that end up taking unexpected turns…they’re relatable, yet surprising. I was completely invested in the characters in every story, which is a rarity for me with short stories. If you’ve been hesitant to try short stories, You Think It, I’ll Say It is a perfect first collection!
Oh, our private habits, our private selves – how strange we all are, how full of feelings and essentially alone.
April and May 2018 Books to Skip
I was very quick to DNF books over the past few months because I was trying to get through as many candidates for my Summer Reading Guide as possible. So, all my April and May skips are DNFs…
Campaign Widows
by Aimee Agresti (May 22, 2018)
DNF at 6%
Honestly, I tried this so long ago and quit so early that I have zero memory of anything I did read or why I DNF’d it. Sorry!
Love and Ruin
by Paula McLain (May 1, 2018)
DNF at 27%
I loved McLain’s The Paris Wife and Circling the Sun, but felt like I was slogging through Love and Ruin. Maybe it was because she went back to Hemingway a second time? I was reading it at the beach and that’s not the place you want to try to slog through a book!
That Kind of Mother
by Rumaan Alam (May 8, 2018)
DNF at 48%
I thought I’d love this novel about a woman who adopts the child of her nanny after she dies during childbirth because two of my top recommendation sources (Annie Jones from From the Front Porch podcast and Tyler Goodson, Manager at Avid Bookshop in Athens, GA) rated it 5 stars. Unfortunately, something felt off. I had trouble connecting with Rebecca (the main character), the observations about motherhood were kind of all over the map (maybe because it’s written by a man??), and I just couldn’t get fully immersed in it.
The High Season
by Judy Blendell (May 1, 2018)
DNF at 20%
This novel was heavy on high society and museum board politics, which I found annoying and boring. Kind of like the mommy politics in Big Little Lies (my review) drove me crazy.
The Italian Party
by Christina Lynch (April 10, 2018)
DNF at 6%.
Ditto Campaign Widows.
What are the best April or May 2018 book you’ve read so far?
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I’m going to start listening to How to Walk Away on my way to work this morning. I tend to like that sort of light, fluff book for audios. I’m also going to try You Think It, I’ll Say It, but am nervous about it because short stories don’t ever seem to work for me.
Sorry that Love and Ruin didn’t work for you. I read the Kindle sample of That Kind of Mother, and by the end of that wasn’t hooked so decided to skip it. Looks like that was the right call!
I don’t feel so bad now about DNFing The Italian Party! I just could not get into the story, there were all these secrets being revealed in the first chapter – it was too much.
I recently finished How to Walk Away (loved it) and am currently reading The Girl Who Smiled Beads (enjoying that one, too!). Prior to those I read Beneath a Scarlet Sky, The Nightingale, and Woman Last Seen in her Thirties. All were four or five star reads for me. I did DNF Stiff after just two chapters, but other than that it’s been a good couple of months for books in my world.
All of your “to reads” sound excellent. I’m not sure if I’ll read The Girl Who Smiled Beads or not. I’ve read several books about refugees and children escaping horrific wars in Africa, and they all make me despair for the state of the world. On the other hand, I don’t like to turn away from that stuff, and I haven’t read any from a female perspective. So, maybe I will someday when I feel ready for it. Great reviews!
It’s a quick one – maybe for Nonfiction November!
I’m so glad that How to Walk Away worked out well for you; I just started it last night!
Alternative Remedies for Loss sounds really good. I’ve been looking for a good beach read. My husband and I are going on vacation this week. I’ll have to pick it up! Thanks for the recommendation!
Hope it works for you!
I tried reading The Italian Party a few weeks back and ugh!? Couldn’t make it past 25%!
How to Walk Away was really good even though it should have been cheesy and I cannot figure out why. 🙂
Well glad to know I shouldn’t second guess that DNF!
Loved your mini reviews 🙂 actually, I also dislike short story collections, so I passed on requesting Sittenfeld’s newest book. It’s kind of both good and too bad to to hear that it was good 🙂
Well, I think this collection is one that even people like us can really love!
Aww….I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t like Love and Ruin. I’ve been looking forward to it because the local media has been buzzing about it. Martha Gellhorn was a local girl. I read and enjoyed Circling the Sun but haven’t yet read The Paris Wife, so maybe I’ll enjoy this one more than you did….I hope!
That’s so cool that Martha was local for you! I did find her character super interesting.
I want to get to all of the books on your to-read list! For some of them, the good reviews are piling up in my feed and others are just on topics that really interest me 🙂