It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? (2/6/17)

Hosted by The Book Date.

I had a great reading week last week with the first 2017 release that really blew me away! I’ve been waiting for this and the particular book that did it came out of left field.

I also had some library holds come in: The Unwinding by George Packer on audio (how am I going to finish an 18 hour audiobook in 2 weeks?!) and Human Acts by Han Kang (which I tried after finishing This Is How It Always Is, but the timing wasn’t right…I may get back to it).

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I finished reading…

This Is How It Always Is, Laurie Frankel

This Is How It Always Is
 by Laurie Frankel (January 24, 2017)

My favorite book of 2017 so far! This story of a family of five boys, the youngest of which knows he wants to be a girl at a very young age, had me feeling every possible emotion. Plus, it’s the best book club selection I’ve come across in a long time. Review to come.
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I’m currently reading…

Behind Her Eyes, Sarah Pinborough

Behind Her Eyes
 by Sarah Pinborough (January 31, 2017)

It’s been awhile since I’ve read a psychological thriller, but I needed something different following This Is How It Always Is and I have to admit the marketing push that’s whipping everyone into a frenzy about the ending has me curious (I’m a total sucker). I’m about 40% in so far and I’m feeling a Spoiler Discussion post coming…
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I tried, but wasn’t feeling…

Desperation Road, Michael Farris Smith

Desperation Road
 by Michael Farris Smith (February 7, 2017)
I just wasn’t into it and didn’t much care where it was going. I can’t even remember anything about it now…even though I only stopped reading it less than a week ago. Bailed at 20%.

Upcoming reading plans…

A carryover from last week:

A Separation, Katie Mitamura

A Separation
 by Katie Kitamura (February 7, 2017)
This might be the Winter 2017 novel I’m most excited about. It’s about an unraveling marriage and Rebecca Schinsky mentioned on Book Riot’s Holiday Recommendations podcast that she was also excited about this one. I don’t have an advance copy, so will have to wait for February 7.

How was your reading week?

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  1. I finally finished that book about Antarctica. Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself how it could have been so much better? I mean what a great setting for a thriller! Instead, it was filled with stereotypical hokey characters. Why did I stick with it?

    I’m reading Frank Shorter’s autobiography now (for my book club) and it’s great.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Haha – were you hate-reading?!

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  2. Looks like you’ve gotten of to a great start for 2017! I am curious about This Is How It Always Was. I hope you have a great week Sarah.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Give it a shot – I really loved it!

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  3. I’m reading This Is How It Always Is right now and it is very engaging. The author will be at my local indie bookstore tomorrow night and I don’t think I’ll have the book done by then but I still hope to go.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Oh fun!! She sounds like she’d be super interesting to hear speak. Have fun!

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  4. Kay wrote:

    I want to read THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS WAS. Think I’ll watch for it at the library. I should go look now as they likely have it ordered and I can see it being popular with a long, long hold list. I’m about 80% through the audio of BEHIND HER EYES. I’d really like to finish it today. I’m at the point of inventing stuff to do while listening. I can’t imagine what the ‘big reveal’ could be. Well, I can imagine a lot of things and have, but still…I’m wondering if it will be as shocking to me as to some who read far fewer of these types of books than I do. LOL

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Kay wrote:

      ALWAY IS not ALWAYS WAS. Sheesh! More coffee needed.

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
      • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

        Ha – I hear ya!

        Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I’ve pretty much spent the entire time reading this book making random guesses about the ending and then writing them down. I’m approaching 70%, so hope to finish it tomorrow! Will be interested to compare notes!

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  5. There are just too many books on my radar right now! February is already jam packed and now I want to squeeze in This is How It Always Is. Thanks! I feel your pain on Desperation Road, but since I have an unexpected SNOW DAY today, I’m going to go ahead and write a review. It won’t be stellar!

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I know, right?! My Feb review schedule is pretty light, but there are so many Feb releases I’m interested in that I don’t have ARCs for! And – my March ARC month is jammed, so really should start those in the next 2 weeks or so. Have 3 3/7 releases…poor planning!

      PLUS – library holds keep coming in….unexpectedly. I was like #20 something for Dark Matter a week ago and it came in today…WTF?!

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  6. Tara wrote:

    Well, now that you’ve said it’s your favorite, I’m definitely going to have to get a copy of This Is How It Always Is; you’ve rarely led me astray, Sarah! 🙂 I’m glad to hear you had a good reading week! Also, good luck with that audiobook challenge – ha! Whew! I’ve taken your recommendation, though, and have started listening more while I’m doing things around the house; it’s fun!

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I did have one quibble with it, but it’ll probably only knock off a half star.

      And – jeez – I’m trying to listen every second I have, but I don’t know that I’ll get through it.

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  7. Anita wrote:

    This is How it Always Is is now something I’m going to have to read….thank you, or damn you….not sure…LOL. I feel this can be my downside to blogging and accepting review books, I then feel like i have to squeeze in books I missed, quite silly if you think about it.
    I hope you have a wonderful reading week.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Haha – I hear you! I often think that when someone puts yet another book on my TBR.

      I’ve tried to really cut back my ARC requesting this year to give myself more flexibility for books like this (it wasn’t on my radar too far in advance), but I kind of failed at that for March.

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  8. I also downloaded Behind Her Eyes…and can’t wait to start reading it. I may just move it to the top of the list.

    Enjoy! Thanks for sharing…and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I have a feeling lots of people are going to be reading this one!

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  9. Athira wrote:

    I do want to read The Unwinding but I didn’t realize it’s that long! Whew – maybe I’ll get it from Audible. I just heard of A Separation last week but haven’t really read much about it – curious to see what you think.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      It’s ok so far, but I’m thinking it could be better in print. I like the individual stories, but there’s nothing to really string them together.

      Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  10. 2017, now I have to read your favorite of 2017 so far. I’ll be checking the library for that one. If it knocked you for a loop, it has to be good. I ordered Behind Her Eyes for my BOTM club pick; I’m hoping it’s a winner…whenever it comes in the mail.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Hope you read the Frankel…it’s a really touching story.

      And I just finished Behind Her Eyes…let’s just say the ending is, in fact, controversial, and I come down on the despite side.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
  11. This Is How It Always Is has been on my radar for a few months. I’m hoping I have a chance to read it this year…we’ll see. I’d like to explore transgender and intersex issues more through literature this year, but I’m thinking of starting with something nonfiction.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      It was my first transgender themed book and it was incredibly touching. It definitely made me empathize with people going through that… they definitely don’t have it easy and the general public makes it all the more difficult. A very worthwhile read that was also super enjoyable.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
  12. Kathy Martin wrote:

    Interesting assortment of books. I hope you enjoy this week’s picks. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
  13. I’m looking forward to hearing your further thoughts on the Pinborough book. I read one of her novellas and liked things about it a lot but the book as a whole only a medium amount. I’ve had her in mind as an author I might want to try again, though.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I finished it yesterday. I’m still collecting my thoughts on the book as a whole, but I definitely hated the ending. And I mean HATED. Haha.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
  14. Catherine wrote:

    I am envious of 2017 book love! Happy for you, of course. This one sounds very interesting. I’m not usually a fan of all-guy fiction (my term!) but this twist is appealing.

    Sadly, my 2017s have fallen mostly in your ‘Tried but Not Feeling It’ category. Back to backlist for now.

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      By “all guy fiction”, do you mean all the brothers? This book definitely did not feel like “all guy fiction.” The mother is a strong character and plays a huge role. Plus, obviously the gender identity focus.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
      • Catherine wrote:

        Yes, as much as I’ve enjoyed books with the focus on the male characters, I’m not feeling it this year. Knowing there’s a strong female character makes this sound more appealing- especially with the gender twist.

        Posted 2.9.17 Reply
        • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

          I hear ya!

          Posted 2.10.17 Reply
  15. Good to see Behind Her Eyes of your bookshelf, I purchased a copy for myself last week, I couldn’t resist. Enjoy that one and the rest of your books this week.

    Amanda @ Mrs B’s Book Reviews

    Posted 2.6.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Haha – so you got sucked in too?! I finished it yesterday and am still pondering it. I do have strong feelings about that ending though…as promised.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
  16. Ann Marie wrote:

    I can’t wait to hear your thoughts I on Behind Her Eyes! As you may have seen in my review, I didn’t love it. I’m glad I read it if only because I’d have FOMO if I didn’t.

    Posted 2.7.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I finished it yesterday and am with you 🙂 HATED the ending. But am still glad I read it to be a part of the discussion.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
  17. Steven in New England wrote:

    Richard Russos’, “Somebody’s Fool”. He’s a Pultizer Prize winning author (I know why from his previous books) and this one would make another contender (not yet finished but enjoying it a whole lot).

    Posted 2.7.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      That one is on my TBR list! Just need to make time for it…keep pushing it out because it’s long.

      Posted 2.8.17 Reply
  18. The hype for Behind Her Eyes has been pretty unreal and I’m seeing some varied ratings. Hope you end up enjoying it though — I’ll be picking it up soon I think. I put A Separation on hold.. also very excited for it.

    Posted 2.14.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Behind Her Eyes sure was hyped! I’m still pondering my rating…

      And I ended up loving A Separation, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Ignore the comparisons to Gone Girl – it’s not like that book AT ALL. It’s a style book…not as much plot. But, I loved her style 🙂

      Posted 2.17.17 Reply

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