Nonfiction November 2017: My Year of Nonfiction So Far

Nonfiction November 2017


Welcome to Nonfiction November 2017! I’m thrilled to be co-hosting again this year along with Katie at Doing Dewey, Lory at Emerald City Book Review, Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness, and Julz at Julz Reads. Nonfiction November is my favorite reading event of the year and I always welcome the change of pace from reading lots of new fiction releases all year long…and never more so than this year! So, here’s my year of nonfiction so far…

Hop over to Julz Reads to link up your introductory post!

My Year of Nonfiction

So far this year, I’ve read 35 Nonfiction books (37% of my total books read), 27 of which were audiobooks. Audiobooks seem to have almost single-handedly (well, 77%) saved my nonfiction reading this year!

Most of my nonfiction reading this year has been memoirs or essays with some investigative journalism, sports books, and life improvement thrown in.

Favorite Nonfiction of 2017 So Far

Stranger in the Woods, Lots of Candles Plenty of Cake, Born a Crime

It’s a tie between…

Most Recommended Nonfiction Book of 2017

It’s a tie between…

This year, I haven’t read enough…

Narrative Nonfiction, which is my favorite type of nonfiction! 

And, the reason I haven’t read much of it this year is that narrative nonfiction doesn’t work quite as well for me on audio as other types of lighter nonfiction. And, so much of my nonfiction reading so far this year has been on audio.

This year, I’m hoping to…

  • Reading more nonfiction in book form (rather than audio)
  • Read more narrative nonfiction
  • Get a change of pace from reading mostly new fiction releases this year
  • Discover new-to-me blogs
  • Start making my Nonfiction TBR for 2018!

What are your favorite Nonfiction books so far this year?

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  1. Renee wrote:

    I listened to the Anna Quinlan book a couple years ago and really liked it. My favorite nonfiction so far this year is The Bright Hour. I just finished listening to Oprah’s new book The Wisdom of Sundays and I loved it. I tend to listen to nonfiction more than read it which usually works out for the most part.

    Posted 10.29.17 Reply
  2. Wow! You really have read a lot of nonfiction. It’s my biggest nonfiction year ever, but that’s not really saying much. Looking forward to this month and hearing about some wonderful nonfiction options.

    Posted 10.29.17 Reply
  3. I love narrative nonfiction too and don’t read enough of it.

    Posted 10.29.17 Reply
  4. Karen wrote:

    Non-fiction November! Very cool idea! My best so far this year were: Daring to Drive, Born A Crime and Reading with Patrick. Looking forward to hearing everyone’s best! Happy Holidays and Happy Reading!!

    Posted 10.29.17 Reply
  5. Angela wrote:

    Wow, you have read so much nonfiction! I feel like I’m going to get a lot of new additions to my TBR from you!

    Posted 10.29.17 Reply
  6. You have read so much non-fiction this year! That Trevor Noah book was so much more than I expected it to be.

    So excited to get to binge on non-fiction for a whole month!

    Posted 10.30.17 Reply
  7. I didn’t know that Anna Quindlen had a new book and it sound right up my alley. What fun. Thanks for co-hosting this year. Here is my opening blogpost:

    Posted 10.30.17 Reply
  8. Both your most recommended are sat on my Kindle already!

    Posted 10.30.17 Reply
  9. Hooray for Nonfiction November! As you know, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake is a favorite, and I already own Born A Crime. You got me to add The Strange in the Woods to my list earlier this year… now all I need is more time to read 🙂

    Posted 10.30.17 Reply
  10. Brona wrote:

    The Finkel book is popping on a few lists this year – intriguing – it’s obviously not the Eat Pray Love of the hermit world that I thought it was going to be!

    I’d love to see your list of fav narrative nonfiction of all time 🙂

    Posted 10.30.17 Reply
  11. Beth wrote:

    I loved Born a Crime, too–and now have The Stranger in the Woods on my to-read pile!

    Posted 10.31.17 Reply
  12. Yea for narrative nonfiction! Have you read Ghettoside by Jill Leovy? It’s part police procedural, part court drama, and part whodunit – it kept me riveted.

    Posted 10.31.17 Reply
    • n@ncy wrote:

      I LOVED Ghettoside! So glad to here somebody else did!

      Posted 10.31.17 Reply
  13. I want to see the rest of the nonfiction of this year list!! Just added The Stranger in the Woods to my tbr. Nonfiction November is going to blow it right up, already has started. 🙂

    I’ve been binging on memoirs myself. Have my post for week one up here:

    Posted 10.31.17 Reply
  14. n@ncy wrote:

    It is so much fun to see other lists on great non-fiction. Trevor Noah’s book keeps popping up…is it that good?
    Also your ‘best’ audio books by M.Finkel and Anna Quindlen, I would never have considered them, but now on my TBR list!

    Posted 10.31.17 Reply
  15. Wow! That is a lot of nonfiction to read in one year! Make my ‘7’ look pretty pitiful! I don’t listen to many audiobooks, and when I do, they have to be fast-paced fiction. I’m afraid if I tried to listen to nonfiction, I’d be constantly rewinding!

    Posted 10.31.17 Reply
  16. OhioFlora wrote:

    I thoroughly enjoyed Born a Crime. Another outstanding nonfiction book is Al Franken’s Giant of the Senate.

    Posted 10.31.17 Reply
  17. I’m hit and miss for narrative nonfiction on audio too. There’s some that really, really works — Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer is stellar on audio — but other stuff can be hard to follow when it shifts back and forth between story and information.

    Posted 11.2.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      That’s so funny – I did love Into Thin Air on audio! It was one of the first audios I ever listened to…on CD! Haha!

      Posted 11.8.17 Reply
  18. I’ve heard really good things about The Stranger in the Woods … I think I need to check it out. I hope you can get more narrative nonfiction in your reading!

    Posted 11.3.17 Reply
  19. Born a Crime is definitely going on my TBR for next year. I feel as though I missed out on narrative nonfiction this year too.

    Posted 11.3.17 Reply
  20. Naomi wrote:

    Hi Sarah! It’s been a while. I figured Nonfiction November was a good time to jump back in! As always I haven’t read much nonfiction, but, as always, there are many I would *like* to read. And I always love adding to my list!
    I’d like to read both Stranger in the Woods and Born a Crime. And I’m hoping to read the 5 books from the Hilary Weston list this year. ( I just have to finish some other stuff first. Ha! Isn’t that always the way? 🙂
    Have fun!

    Posted 11.4.17 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      Well hello!! It’s so hard to fit in nonfiction! If it wasn’t for audio, I would barely have read any this year until this month!

      Hope you get some in.

      Posted 11.8.17 Reply
  21. I should definitely get to Born a Crime! It sounds fascinating.

    Posted 11.5.17 Reply

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