What I’m Reading Now (4/22/19)

I was away this weekend with my family at my sister-in-law’s place in the mountains and had the most beautiful reading spot ever. I posted it on Instagram yesterday if you’re interested. I also managed to finish the book I was reading despite being worried I wouldn’t finish anything last week.

And, I finished I Miss You When I Blink by Mary Laura Philpott on audio…and, yes, I just read this in print form! I listened to it on audio to refresh my memory because Mary Laura is coming on the podcast! I’d love to ask her some questions from my readers / listeners, so if you’ve read this one, please leave any questions you’d like me to ask her in the comments section or feel free to email me at sarahsbookshelves@gmail.com.


Episode 15, featuring the book and travel blogger Christine from The Uncorked Librarian, aired last week!

Episode 16, where Meredith Monday Schwartz and Kaytee Cobb go behind the scenes of the Currently Reading Podcast is coming on Wednesday.

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Hosted by The Book Date.
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I finished reading…

The Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth


The Mother-in-Lawby Sally Hepworth (April 23, 2019)
This one was a pleasant surprise! I DNF’d her last book (The Family Next Door), so I almost didn’t pick this one up. But, then I started hearing good things from a couple people I trust and I’m glad I gave it a shot! It deftly portrays the complicated mother-in-law/daughter-in-law dynamic and is a solid family drama.
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I’m currently reading…

Ask Again Yes


Ask Again, Yesby Mary Beth Keane (May 28, 2019)
The buzz about this family drama has been slowly gaining steam recently (Annie Jones rated it 5 stars and Mary Laura Philpott, author of I Miss You When I Blink, “loooooved it”) and I’ve been looking forward to picking it up. I’m only 6% in, but I like the writing style and am interested to see where things go.
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I tried, but wasn’t feeling…

what I'm reading now


The Night Before by Wendy Walker (May 14, 2019)
DNF at 28%
I loved Wendy Walker’s last thriller, Emma in the Night (it’s the only thriller other than Gone Girl I’ve ever rated 5 stars), but this one just wasn’t doing anything for me. And, the writing wasn’t as good as I remember it being in Emma either.
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The Farm by Joanne Ramos (May 7, 2019)
DNF at 32%
The Farm was fine and I probably would’ve kept reading at any other time of year, but right now I’m laser-focused on great books for my 2019 Summer Reading Guide (coming in mid-May), so I’m quick to DNF at the moment. Regardless, I didn’t care much what happened to the characters.

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Upcoming reading plans…

Montauk by Nicola Harrison


Montauk by Nicola Harrison (June 4, 2019)
This debut historical fiction about a woman who goes to Montauk for a summer meaning to reconnect with her husband, but finding herself instead is a bit of a risk. It came to me unsolicited from the publisher and I haven’t heard a peep about it from my trusted recommendation sources, but I’m going to give it a shot. Plus, I love a Hamptons setting.

How was your reading week?

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what I'm reading now


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  1. Tina wrote:

    Great wrap up! I need to pick up I Miss You When I Blink- I’m wondering if audio or print will be better?

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I actually liked the audio better. My first read in print was 4 stars….I rated my audio 5 stars though. Or maybe it was thinking about the content a second time?

      Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  2. I like Hepworth’s work and want to read The Mother-in-Law.

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  3. I haven’t heard anything about Ask Again, Yes!, but now want to investigate further. I passed on The Mother-in-Law because I did read The Family Next Door and wasn’t all that thrilled about it, but this one sounds better. I’ve been looking for fiction to listen to and this might be a good one. I Miss You When I Blink is another I need to try. Too many books!

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
    • Sarah Dickinson wrote:

      I’m not too far in on Ask Again, Yes yet, but I think you’d like it based on the description. And I do think Mother-in-Law is up your audio alley!

      Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  4. The Mother-in-Law and Montauk are both on my list. I am also hoping to read The Night Before…I’ve heard good things.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  5. Beth F wrote:

    I hope to get to The Mother-in-Law before too long. I also have Montauk on my radar.

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  6. Kathy Martin wrote:

    Nice looking group of books. All are new to me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  7. I’m so glad you liked The Mother-in-law!

    I was going to start reading Ask Again, Yes this weekend, but then I picked a different ARC, which was a big mistake because I think I might have to DNF it.

    You didn’t miss much with The Farm. It was okay, but not anything special. I felt the ending ruined any deeper message she was trying to convey about the ethics of the situation.

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  8. Ask Again, Yes and Montuak both sound interesting. My updates for the week of April 22

    Posted 4.22.19 Reply
  9. renee wrote:

    Bummer about The Night Before! I have it but may lower my expectations as you aren’t the only one who’s mentioned not enjoying it. I’m super curious to hear what you think about Montauk, I got that sent to me to unsolicited and thought it sounded pretty good. I can’t wait to hear the podcast with Mary!!

    Posted 4.23.19 Reply
  10. I actually enjoyed The Farm, but it certainly wasn’t as deep or meaningful as I expected. The exploration of how the “retreat” works and the women who agree to give up a baby for money was the most interesting part to me.

    Posted 4.23.19 Reply
  11. Sheila Kramer wrote:

    Can’t wait to hear your response to what you thought about Montauk. It’s been on my radar lately but I haven’t been hearing to much about it

    Posted 4.23.19 Reply
  12. Eileen slater wrote:

    I just started The Mother in law today! I am glad you liked it.

    Posted 4.23.19 Reply

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