What I’m Reading Now (10/19/20)

what I'm reading now


I’ve got a ton of library holds (for both 2020 books I want to read before the end of the year and backlist books) that are coming due soon, so that’s going to drive my reading for a bit. But, I’m definitely excited about the part of the year when my reading is not driven by new release publication date!



Last week’s episode featured Eilene Zimmerman (author of Smacked).

There is no new podcast this week.

On the Blog

Hosted by The Book Date.
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I finished reading…

Mexican Gothic


Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (June 30, 2020)
This novel started out well for me, but the farther I read, the less interested I got. I don’t normally love ghosts or the supernatural and I didn’t like those elements of this book (even though I knew they were there prior to reading it). This is a case of me trying something I knew was out of my wheelhouse because of the hype and it not working for me for exactly the reasons I expected.
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

I’m currently reading…

Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh


Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh (January 25, 2018)
I’m only about 25% through this backlist legal thriller about a celebrity trial where the killer is on the jury that was recommended by Meredith from the Currently Reading podcast, but it’s exactly what I need right now. Gripping and easy to read. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

Upcoming reading plans…

House on Fripp Island


The House on Fripp Island by Rebecca Kauffman (June 2, 2020)
Susie from Novel Visits recommended this novel about two families of different levels of wealth vacationing together. Kauffman’s The Gunners (My Review) was just okay for me, but I’m giving her one more chance.
Affiliate Link: Buy from Amazon

How was your reading week?

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what I'm reading now


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  1. I just finished up #FallReadathon over on Instagram, so I had a great reading week! Started and finished a beautiful middle grade novel called Aster’s Good, Right Things, and an essay collection by Kiese Laymon called How To Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America.

    The House on Fripp Island sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy it!

    Posted 10.19.20 Reply
  2. Kathy Martin wrote:

    Thirteen does sound intriguing. I hope you enjoy it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Posted 10.19.20 Reply
  3. Kara Lewis wrote:

    Mexican Gothic is squarely in my wheelhouse and I was so excited to read it, but I had the same reaction. Started off good, went badly off the rails pretty quickly, though. I ended up really quite disliking it, although I did finish.

    Posted 10.20.20 Reply

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