Podcast Episode 78: Deep Backlist Books with Catherine from @gilmoreguide

Deep Backlist Books

In Episode 78, Catherine Gilmore (@gilmoreguide) and I go deep into our backlists to share some of our favorite older books we haven’t talked about in a long time!

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  • Catherine’s take on why classics are so long.
  • A book that totally shocked both of us when we read it years ago, but we wonder if would shock as much today given other books and movies that have come out since.
  • Our inverse initial experiences with Anna Quindlen.
  • Sarah’s “unicorn” book.

Deep Backlist Books [2:25]



Other Books Mentioned

About Catherine

Catherine Gilmore Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Catherine started The Gilmore Guide to Books over 6 years ago after wrapping up a career as a corporate librarian. She loves books and reading (surprise!) and currently lives in Ann Arbor, MI.

Next Episode

Circling Back to Winter 2021 Books featuring Catherine Gilmore (@gilmoreguide)…airing March 24.

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Deep Backlist Books


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